General information
43rd Conference of the Association for Environmental Archaeology
· Title: Telling environmental archaeology stories
· Dates: 24-26 November 2023
· Host institution: Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC-CERCA).
· Location: Palau Firal i de Congressos de Tarragona, c/ Arquitecte Rovira, 2, 43001 Tarragona
Please note this conference if fully in-person. No sessions will be streamed online.

Dear participants, we are sending all the updates and practicalities to the emails provided at the registration. If you’re not receiving them, please check your spam folder, or contact us at:
Looking forward to seeing you in Tarragona!
Registrations closed on 31st October
Call for abstracts (CLOSED): 15/09 23:59h CET
Registration deadline (CLOSED): 31/10 23:59h CET
Conference: 24-26/11/2023
Images used in this website (Creative Commons licenses):
Amfitheatre by Rafa Esteve
Cathedral by Carme Ribes Moreno
Balcony of the Mediterranean by Gemma Grau